QUILL Releases Inventory of Workplace Training Options


As part of a Skills for Success initiative between October 2022 and March 2024, QUILL Learning Network conducted Organizational Needs Assessments (ONA) with local businesses to determine workplace training needs. One of the challenges identified by employers was researching and connecting with the most relevant training opportunities.

Impact of Labour Market Changes on Local Training Needs

QUILL region has historically experienced one of the lowest unemployment rates in the province. To see the most recent unemployment rate, please refer to Four County Labour Market Planning Board’s monthly Unemployment Rate press releases: https://www.planningboard.ca/news/

While a low unemployment rate is often seen as a positive sign of economic health and growth,

QUILL is Offering Free Organizational Needs Assessments Until March 2024

What is an Organizational Needs Assessment (ONA)?

An ONA explores the training needs of a business. It is not an assessment of individual employees. Instead, this process focuses on current training processes, future training needs, and potential gaps that may be impacting overall efficiency or productivity. It is an opportunity to discuss what is working well and where there may be opportunities for additional training now or in the future.

QUILL has a new website!

QUILL Learning Network is delighted to introduce our new look website. With better navigation, updated information and a cleaner look, it should now be easier to find the information you need. Thanks to the amazing people behind this effort!

QUILL will continue to make changes that improve the website and your user experience.

Quill Turns 25!

To celebrate the Board of Directors of QUILL Learning Network have awarded 2 citizens for their involvement in the adult literacy field to celebrate QUILL’s 25th Anniversary. Awards have been named to honour the memory of Cindy Davidson, literacy pioneer and the first Executive Director of the Quality in Lifelong Learning (QUILL) Network.

Government of CanadaEmployment OntarioGovernment of Ontario
This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.