As part of a Skills for Success initiative between October 2022 and March 2024, QUILL Learning Network conducted Organizational Needs Assessments (ONA) with local businesses to determine workplace training needs. One of the challenges identified by employers was researching and connecting with the most relevant training opportunities. In response to this feedback, QUILL has created an inventory of training programs and providers – both locally and online – that are applicable to the top workplace training needs businesses identified through the ONA process.
Why has QUILL created an inventory of workplace training options?
Looking for relevant training courses, programs, and providers can be time-consuming, particularly for the small businesses that populate QUILL region. This new inventory provides one point of access that will be regularly updated and shared throughout the region. This will benefit both employers and training providers by offering a searchable database that can be used to facilitate connections and share information.
What is the value to employers?
While many businesses may not be looking for training at this time, creating one list of workplace training options will help them connect with relevant resources when needed. This will save time and will provide businesses with one place they can go to find contact information and details about training that can meet their workplace needs.
Employers will be able to search by location and training topic. There are also options to filter results to include free training, online training, and customizable training. These were three of the most important considerations identified by businesses that were consulted through the ONA process.
How can this help training providers?
With many small training organizations within Bruce, Grey, Huron, Perth, and South Georgian Bay, it can be difficult to widely share information. QUILL has created an opportunity that will help training providers market courses and programs that are relevant to local businesses. As this website is promoted throughout our region, training providers will expand their marketing reach to include QUILL’s network and connections. This will offer more exposure and opportunities for training providers to reach businesses that may be interested in their services.
How can this help LBS providers?
As part of its central mandate to support LBS programming, planning, and coordination across the region, QUILL is committed to promoting LBS training options to all community members and stakeholders including local businesses. One area of identified growth is the opportunity for LBS workplace training to be deliberately marketed to businesses. Connecting local businesses with LBS providers who offer workplace training is an important component of fulfilling QUILL’s mission to support LBS programs.
How can I learn more?
If you are aware of an organization offering training that may be applicable to local businesses, but is not yet listed here, please reach out to Heather Robinet at The workplace training inventory is a working document that will be updated regularly and become more fulsome overtime. We welcome suggestions for additions and changes as we continue to improve this tool to meet the needs of businesses, training providers, and other community stakeholders.